May, June, and July were EXTREMELY wet months in Fort Lauderdale. We went literally through almost 3 solid weeks of rain. After that, we hit our standard rain pattern of midday torrential downpours and heavy lightning. This is great for our drought situation, but horrible for the owner of a DeLo that has bad weather seals!!! This is the main cause for the state the interior was in when the car was purchased.
I could tell from day 1 that the windshield has to be addressed, because the A-pillar pieces are all pulled away, and i can see humidity build up from there. After a rain storm, I can see visible signs of fresh water, so therefore, the glass MUST be pulled and resealed. I will probably take this to DMCF to have it done.
Here are the general interior shots. Please note that I had not really done anything to this car as of this point. I had mostly concentrated on the running aspect of it. Alot of these electrical compartment pics were taken the day after the car was brought home, so sorry they are a little late getting posted. These are pics of what the car was like after coming off the trailer:
Now for actual interior shots:
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